Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Help! my fingernail is green around the sides of the pin.?

my finger is also very swollen and puss packed. i really need give support to. i dont know what to use on itHelp! my fingernail is green around the sides of the pin.?
try soaking it in the hottest dampen with stout salt surrounded by it you can. This will bring the infection to a head and it will rupture and drain. If you see a red file coming from the infected finger going up your hand return with to a Dr. immediately ! It could be blood poisoning. If it comes to a cranium it can be "popped", drained , and treated with peroxide and a triple antibiotic emolument, other wise see your Dr.
Yikes! I have the EXACT same thing. It concluded up being an ingrown. If you turn to the doctor, they're just going to freshly do minor surgery on it. Which they cut it open and squeez out the puss. Good luck!
It's infected, and there's a suitable chance you'll lucklessly lose the nail if the coloring spreads to the cuticle. Just hang on to it clean, put neosporin (triple antibiotic ointment) on it, and avoid whack or bumping it. If the problem persists or spreads after a week or so, be in motion to your doctor to see if you can get antibiotics.

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