Friday, October 22, 2010

How can i inform if my glands (lymph nodes) are swollen? if they be, would they hurt?

How can i inform if my glands (lymph nodes) are swollen? if they be, would they hurt?
Lymph nodes are located in adjectives kinds of places within the body. You have them at the rear your ears, in your frontage, under your jowl at the joint, below the jaw bone within the front, on the fronts and sides of your neck, underneath your arms, in your chest, belly, and legs . . . they're EVERYWHERE.
Sometimes, they (lymph nodes) become swollen because of a virus or a bacterial infection. Not adjectives of the nodes will swell, just the ones close at hand the infection. If they swell because of an infection, they'll balloon up pretty quickly (just a couple of hours, or overnight). . . and they're usually pretty sore. These are mostly noted aft the ears, around the jaw bone, and beneath the arms -- because these are the most prominent.
Just because it doesn't hurt, though, doesn't mean it isn't a lymph node. If nodes swell over a longer extent of time, in response to something resembling an auto-immune disorder, cancer, or a back-up of lymph-fluid, they may not hurt.
Just because they don't hurt, though, doesn't mean it's something serious, any -- sometimes, when you have a bacterial or viral infection, the lymph nodes swell up, and they're so darned traumatized (bless their little souls) that they mark -- they just stay swollen (and don't hurt).
You'd own to feel your collar to see if they're swollen. They can be swollen without spasm present.
When mine got swollen my collar was fundamentally sore and I had a thorny time opening my mouth. There be these bumps behind my ear and down an inch or two, they hurt when I put pressure on them.
Doctor give me some meds, cleared it up in a year or three

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