Friday, October 22, 2010

How can you brand name shade skin below your armpits, elbows, knees, and collar travel away?

My little sis has shadows skin on her neck and knees she tries scrub it out but it doesnt come off... Any design on what this might be? Or how to get rid of it? serious answers please thank you!How can you brand name shade skin below your armpits, elbows, knees, and collar travel away?
I read somewhere this could be related to prediabetes or a thyroid problem..check that out..esp. the d¨|colletage..if its not that then try the lemon liquid and keep it verbs, is she heavy it might be these parts are getting chafe.
Also if you've got the money you could look into a skin lightening cream for chafe or darker skin?
you can't so stop trying to irritate the skin. its a short time ago the colour of the pigmentation in the skin. i hold darker elbows and knees too.
I know this sounds stupid, but one of my friends swears by rubbing lemon liquid on those areas. She has an olive complexion and her armpits and trailing her knees were other darker. I can't speak about you if it works or not because I have never tried it, but she say it does.
I've heard lemon liquid works too. I have matching problem but have never really tried to do anything in the region of it. Just figure that's the path I'm made.
If your sister is overweight this might be related to prediabetes or insulin resistance, which is a serious condition. She should be seen by a doctor to determine the raison d`¨otre of the changes surrounded by her skin pigmentation.
If the skin is thick, she probably have a condition fairly adjectives to women. It's called Polysistic Ovary Syndrome. I would be in motion to a doctor.

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