Friday, October 22, 2010

How come some nation dont win brain freezes?

How come some nation dont win brain freezes?
There has to be something near to freeze.
If he only have a brain.
Seriously, I believe it has to do near how big a person's sinuses are. If they are large, they are close to the roof of the mouth and the cold get transferred quickly to them and the heat difference between the sinuses and the surrounding tissue causes the throbbing.
A 'brain freeze' occurs when a really cold substance contacts the roof of your mouth. The body pulls blood flow away from the really cold place (to minimize the loss of body heat) and the pain--which should come from your mouth--is for one plea or another pushed to your forehead.
To fix a brain freeze, warm the roof of your mouth pay for up--either by cupping your mouth and nose near your hands and breathing, drinking room-temperature hose down, or pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

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