Monday, October 25, 2010

How come the time after you drink u hold knotty boogers contained by ur muzzle?at smallest i do everytime!!.?

How come the time after you drink u hold knotty boogers contained by ur muzzle?at smallest i do everytime!!.?
Because you drank too much and your body was breathing especially deeply while you be sleeping, trying to keep you alive. I suggest not drinking.
God puts them here because he knows you win hungry after you have be drinking
hahaha. very funny
Because alcohol cause dehydration, (WATER LOSS), and buggers can't be soft and pliable if there is not sufficient hose down to keep them from drying out. DUH!
He, those are not boogers--you be so drunk--you don't remember falling into the toilet head first. One other point you are not to eat the big mint surrounded by the urinal...
You were probably contained by a dirty, dusty environment, particles of dust win up your nose and your snout hairs trapped the dust/dirt from getting into your airway.. in recent times go somewhere thats verbs!
Maybe you shouldn't drink in a smokey tavern.
The yeast in beer, if you drink plenty will make your sinus work up.

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