Monday, October 25, 2010

How do i find a cure to itchy lumps developing at spot on places of my body any time that portion become hot .?

the lumps become so big that i become very humiliated. i have checked on adjectives sorts of alerggies of food clothing and others but to no avail.please answers needed immidiately for urgent cureHow do i find a cure to itchy lumps developing at spot on places of my body any time that portion become hot .?
This is heat over-hasty. It happens when it is hot humid and sweaty.
Here is some info on it. The article is specifically conversation about a infant, holds true for an adult as ably.
If they are pimple-like but not poppable, try Gold Bond (generic is just as good) Body Powder. It's not girly, but it does hold on to the bumps away and cure them.

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