Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Help! my dog have a discouraging imprudent!!?

my dog is a chocolate lab and she has red dots adjectives over her stomach. i took her to the vet and he gave her a spay for it. It worked but it keep coming back nearly every month or so. please help.Help! my dog have a discouraging imprudent!!?
My mothers dog have this same thing. The vet said it be allergies and gave her medication. It didn't oblige much. Then the vet said she had sensitive skin and told her to buy chlorhexaderm shampoo for her (you can purchase this at the vet office). Turns out it was a staph infection and she have to go on antibiotics for a few weeks and it get rid of it. Good luck. Hope you doggie gets better!
its probly from the food report to your parents to get some entity differnt and watch the things you dispense you dog
What did the Vet say it be? A rash? Yeast?
I found that wash my dog with Head & Shoulders Shampoo (dandruff shampoo) help and cured his skin issues. He constantly had allergy issues and his skin be always artificial. This simple treatment has worked wonders.
Well, your dog might enjoy allergies to something in the house. Or it could be fleas, or perchance it's the food. If I were you I would shift to the vet and run another test.

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