Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Help! I lately moved to Oklahoma from California, I am getting bitten up so bleak by the bugs nil works!

Help! I lately moved to Oklahoma from California, I am getting bitten up so bleak by the bugs nil works!
For mosquitos, Try Skinsations insect repellent by Cutter it really worked for me and I was out surrounded by the grass on the 4th of July for 3 hours doing fireworks! also if you do get them, put an allergy cream on them and try not to cut into! For chiggers, put clear nail polich on them and it will assistance!
Try skin so soft by avon
That bug repellent in the Green Bottle its something made contained by australia
move back to Oklahoma!!
A commercial insect repellent containing DEET should do the trick. If they are getting you contained by your yard try any spraying it with fluid insecticide or broadcasting granular insecticide. You can get adjectives of these those at any Wal-Mart or lawn and garden shop. If it's tick's and chiggers that are getting you, I other take a hip bath with just about 2 cups of bleach in the hose after working in the patio or the woods. It will kill the chiggers so you won't enjoy to scratch & itch for a week. Sometimes it will generate the ticks turn loose, but not always. It also seem to help verbs the oil from poison ivy sour of your skin.

  • dog
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