Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I have acne on my spinal column BAD! is there anything I can do to get hold of rid of it besides washing and useing acne cream?HELP!! BAdDDDD BACK ACNE!!?
I also grasp "backne" but find that it clears up in the summer... i regard it has to do near the sun. Try getting some sun on it, keep it verbs, and NO picking!
If these things don't help, I'd speak see a dr.
Good luck!
Ever occur to you to see a doctor?
lay rotten the roids!
there are medicine out ther that your Doctor dan RX you
try giving up sugar like within pop, candy and stuff like that. if you want a pop drink diet pop, there's no sugar within it. other things that can cause acne is grease, french fries, pizza. cut spinal column on that if you can in a few days you will start to see improvement. you can over mop up, it dries the skin out.

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