Friday, December 2, 2011

How do you touch after using cpap?

How do you touch after using cpap?
I think at first it will be akward but using it repeatedly as prescribed you'll consistency so much better. As for how it actually feel, I tell patients to conjure sticking their head out the vehicle window going down the interstate and try to purloin in some breaths.
Using it too long usually make me dizzy and my face/nose sore. My nose is also usually a moment or two dry and my ears feel slightly plugged, but at smallest my breathing is better :)
Hope this helps!
The effects of CPAP are different for respectively person. I am a sleep lab technician and I've see people use it the first dark and awaken completely refreshed. Others consistency as though they've been run over (that usually occur b/c they've slept so deeply that one dark after not sleeping well for years). No business how you feel when you first stir up, you should definitely consistency better throughout the day (less tired or not tired at all).

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