Friday, December 2, 2011

How do you convince a man to wear sunscreen on the situation everyday since he works outside?

How do you convince a man to wear sunscreen on the situation everyday since he works outside?
Rub it on him...he should like it!
Or procure a non scented generous..I know guys hate the smell usually.
Also, take an easy on spray, possibly he won't mind that instead of greasing his hands adjectives up with lotion! You know how big of babies guys can be!
Just share him he looks sexy with shiny skin and sunscreen is the best for him.
it also make the skin smoother for days.
tell him he can return with skin cancer, or his skin can get rough or it's severely doomed to failure for his health and ably being
Tell him you don't want to look at a strawberry adjectives that time and that he had better.
The single way for me to catch sunscreen on my hubby was to sneak up down him with globs within my hands and force it on him, once its in that he will want it rubbed in. otherwise, once he comes home red as a lobster and cant sleep at hours of darkness due to pain, he might put it on freely... men!
Show Him some pictures of skin cancer. That ought to change His mind.
Show him some pictures of skin cancer. Everytime you attain burnt, your risk go up higher and highly developed. Or rub it on him. If the fear tactic doesn't work, I don`t know some sensual massage will. Though how pleasurable it'll be next to sunscreen...
tell him if he don't he can carry skin cancer form the sun there be a guy that did from it that is not something to play roughly and tell him you want to see him live longer and in good health
If its your boyfriend or husband offer him unconditional sex most men will do anything for sex....Or newly let him burn:)
Leave him catch burned real bleak then only say I told ya so when he's suffering and wishes you to rub on some lotion.

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