There is no "cure" for mosquito bites. When a mosquito bites you, it releases saliva into the bite and to be exact what you are allergic to. I don't think I enjoy ever met someone who was not allergic surrounded by some way, you might be more sensitive to the bite which is why it swells up and itches so much. I would suggest taking Benedryl to relieve some of the swelling if you own a lot of bites. There is also Benedryl creme if you individual have one or two bites. As other prevention is the best defense so stock up on Deep Woods Off whenever you are going to be outside.
Yep, allergic, try Benedryl if you can tolerate that (or a sip of kiddie Benedryl if the capsule forms are too much for you).
If you enjoy sinus/allergy issues, the pill taken for that will also help.
I purely put clear finger nail polish on mine and they quit itching and progress away. They get huge on me!! Ahhhhhh!
As a original Minnesotan I've dealt near many a skeeter! Try putting some isyopropal alcohol or peroxide on it to dry it up. Then put on some cortisone cream to sooth the itch. Good Luck!
I find this too... you don't
i dont thihnk u can
My mama always used to read out, "prevention is the best medicine", I never allow mosquitoes to bite me. I just destroy all of them first. It's confident! Now you try!!
You cannot cure a mosquito bite but you can reduce the swelling and itchiness - rub the nouns with the inside of a fresh banana crust, for a couple of minutes. If you have a skin or blood condition that cause further aggravation after a bite - see a doctor. Self medication with drugs should other be avoided.
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